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FLEXI-SEAL 510, 510-U



FLEXI-SEAL 510 & 510-U are two-component, highly flexible 100% solids epoxies. They are designed for a variety of specialty uses, including:

üTo fill, bridge and seal small "working" cracks in concrete, wood and steel while resisting traffic, abrasion, vibration and thermal shock. They are particularly useful for sealing and waterproofing cracks up to 1/8" wide in concrete floors and parking decks, such as shrinkage cracks, settling cracks, flexural (negative moment) cracks and construction joints.

üIn parking deck applications, FLEXI-SEAL 510 & 510-U provide a means of effectively stopping leakage through the slab at low cost. A three-year study involving treatment of over five miles of cracks in five open, unheated, multi-level commercial parking garages in New York City proved FLEXI-SEAL 510 capable of achieving success rates well above 90% at a fraction of the cost of more expensive repair methods. (PARKING Magazine, April 1990: Concrete Repair Bulletin, IACRS, May 1990; Parking Technology, July 1991). In addition, FLEXI-SEAL 510 exhibited no tendency to induce parallel cracking, as may occur with high modulus epoxy crack sealants and methyl methacrylate systems.

üAs a "Sealer/Healer" on cracked decks, by simple flood coat application. In such cases, FLEXI-SEAL 510 effectively penetrates cracks while providing a more abrasion-resistant seal coating than competitive, more expensive High Molecular Weight Methacrylate Monomer systems.

üTo repair control joint and expansion joint nosings which have been damaged by repeated impact, or to prepare flexible patches for areas subject to high vibration or deflection.

üIn industrial flooring applications, damages to joints in forklift traffic aisles are effectively repaired, providing improved impact resistance.

FLEXI-SEAL 510 features very low moisture insensitivity and high elongation.

FLEXI-SEAL 510-U features low to moderate viscosity and very high elongation.


CAUTION!: Review and follow all safety and handling guidelines as detailed in the Material Safety Data Sheets furnished with this product.

A. Crack Repair

1. SURFACE PREPARATION Surfaces should be clean and dry or damp. Remove oil, grease, dirt or debris which may block the sealant from penetrating the surface of the crack. Routing is generally not required.

2. MIXING: Remove the screw caps from both the Hardener (Part "B") and Resin (part "A") bottles and carefully pour the contents of Part B into Part A Resin applicator bottle. Replace the applicator screw cap, making certain the snap-on tip closure is securely in place. Thoroughly mix the contents for at least 2 minutes by slowly, repeatedly inverting and righting the bottle.

3. APPLICATION: Apply to clean, dry or damp cracks only, free of dust, oil, dirt, standing water, coatings or other contaminants which may interfere with penetration or adhesion. Squeeze a bead of FLEXI-SEAL over the crack face, applying evenly and moderately. Allow to settle for several minutes and then refill as required. Generally, the wider the crack, the greater the number of reapplications required. For cracks more than 1/16" wide FLEXI-SEAL 510-U should be used.

Cracks should be filled completely, flush with adjacent surfaces. If desired, for better aesthetics, strike off any excess product with a knife before the sealant hardens, maintaining a smooth, flat surface.

CAUTION!: FLEXI-SEAL 510 is capable of fully penetrating some deck cracks. Take precautions to avoid product dripping through to areas on the level below the repair area. Pot life, viscosity, flow and setting time are affected by temperature. Do not use product when air or surface temperature are below 45F or are expected to fall below 45F within 24 hours of application. As a general guideline, expect cure times to double for each 150F differential in temperature. At temperatures below 50F cure rate should be accelerated by addition of 1 - 2 ounces of FLEXI-SPEED 599 Accelerator per 24 oz. unit. Accelerated films are slightly tougher and less flexible than unaccelerated films. At temperatures below 40F, cure may not occur. When working in cold weather, store FLEXI-SEAL 510/510-U in a warm area until just before use, to improve flow and cure speed.

Use entire contents within 15 - 20 minutes of mixing. Sealant in any appreciable mass can become hot due to the exothermic nature of epoxy reactions, greatly accelerating set. This will not occur once the material has been applied in thin beads over a large

surface. If material begins to get hot, quickly apply the remainder or set aside, away from personal contact, or cool by placing container in a pail of water. When working in hot weather, pot life is reduced, and material should be applied more quickly.

4. CURING: Excess surface material may be affected by traffic before initial cure has been reached. As a general guideline, allow 8 - 16 hours before subjecting repaired areas to traffic, and adjust for local weather and traffic conditions. Material will cure

even if subjected to moisture, but superficial discoloration may result if exposed to rain or other moisture during the first day of cure (or longer at low temperatures). This will not affect performance of sealant which has penetrated the crack.

B. Nosing Repair

1. Surface Preparation: Remove all grease, oil, dirt, and unsound existing nosing materials. For high-traffic and expansion joint areas, saw-cut and remove at least 1/2" x 1/2" section on each side of joint.








Modified Epoxy


Viscosity (mixed):

150 - 250 cps

500 - 1000 cps

Mix Ratio:

2.5:1 by volume

1:1 by volume

Pot life:

Approx. 15 - 20 minutes at 75F (240C)

Approx. 15 - 20 minutes at 75F (24C)

Cure Time (Tack Free)                                w/599 accelerator:

12 - 24 hours                          6 - 12 hours

6 - 12 hours             4 - 8 hours 

Tensile Strength:

Approx. 2,000 psi

Approx. 800 psi

Flexural Strength:

Approx. 14,000 psi



Approx. 110%


Low Temp. Flexibility:

Pass, 1800 bend, 00C


% Solids:



VOC Content:



Free Isocyanates:



Colors: (apply to both)

Clear (Interior Use), Grey, Custom Colors


Packaging: (apply to both products)

24 oz. units in applicator bottle, 16/case;

1, 5, and 55-gal. containers also available

2. Mixing and Application: Thoroughly blend "A" and "B" components in proper proportion, and brush neat mixture onto all bonding surfaces as a primer. Then add an equal volume of fine silica and reblend thoroughly. Adjust to final working consistency using additional silica, as required. Pour or trowel the mixture into the prepared cavity. For control or expansion joints, install spacer equal in width to joint design width prior to filling. Cover spacer with polyethylene to facilitate release after setting of mixture.

C. Sealer/Healer Application

1. Surface Preparation: Prepare surfaces by shotblasting or pressure washing. If washing is performed, allow surface to substantially dry before coating. Do not apply 100% solids coatings in situations where moisture or vapor may become entrapped behind the coating, such as a slab-on-grade with no moisture barrier.

2. Application: Mix "A" and "B" components in proper proportion, per above instructions, and pour mixture out over the deck surface. Using a squeegee, spread the mixture over the entire surface, allowing sufficient material dwell time over cracks to

allow penetration. Redistribute material as required to completely fill cracks while providing a uniform, continuous coating over all surfaces. Roller may be used for final finishing.


Avoid skin and eye contact, as product is a moderate irritant and may cause sensitization in some individuals. Under normal use conditions, with good ventilation, no special respiratory protection is required. Supplied air respirators should be used

when working in enclosed or poorly ventilated areas. Read and follow all safety and handling guidelines as detailed in the Material Safety Data Sheets supplied with this product. Store in sealed containers in a dry, temperature-controlled area at 45 -85F (6 - 24C).

Edison Coatings, Inc. Products are manufactured in the United States of America from Components Originating in the United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Australia, South Africa and South Korea.
BioLime NHL 3.5 Buff is a product of Italy. BioLime NHL 2, NHL 3.5 White and NHL 5.0 are Products of France. Marfil is a Product of Spain. SILAN-TREAT 88C is produced in Germany.

Copyright 2016, Edison Coatings, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Last Updated:

Thursday, December 17, 2015


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Edison Coatings, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained herein. This publication is offered on a complimentary basis as a service to potential customers or specifiers. While every effort has been made to include complete and accurate information, based on data and information believed to be reliable, it is the sole responsibility of the user to determine its suitability for his own intended use and purposes. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a warranty or guarantee of any product, process or any other recommendation stated herein. Edison Coatings, Inc. assumes no responsibility for advice given, results obtained, or for any damages whether incidental or consequential, which may be incurred as a direct or indirect result of the use of this information. By proceeding to use this information, user acknowledges and agrees that he is doing so at his own risk, and user indemnifies and holds Edison Coatings harmless against any liabilities, costs or expenses resulting therefrom. All product sales are further governed by the Edison Coatings, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE.