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Edison Coatings, Inc. Products are manufactured in the USA from US and foreign components.
E-NHL 2, E-NHL 3.5 White and E-NHL 5.0 are Products of France.
E-NHL 3.5 Buff and Ruregold are Products of Italy. Marfil is a Product of Spain.




1. Scope:

Furnish all labor, equipment and materials as required to apply two (2) coats weatherproofing sealer to the following surfaces:

2. Related Work:

 a. Masonry Cleaning

 b. Masonry Repair

 c. Masonry Repointing

 d. Joint Sealants

 e. Roofing and Flashing

3. Product:

The clear weatherproofing treatment shall be a two-component, water-borne blend of prepolymers, polymers, water repellents and additives, which meets the following minimum performance standards:

 a. VOC <250 grams/liter

 b. Water repellency shall meet or exceed the requirements of NCHRP Series II.

 c. Sealer shall react chemically upon drying, forming both chemical bonds with the substrate and self-crosslinking.

 d. Sealer shall be resistant to UV and shall exhibit no loss of adhesion or appearance change after 500 hours exposure per ASTM G53-84.

 e. Sealer shall resist dilute acids including 10% muriatic, sulfuric and nitric acids in open spot testing per ASTM D 1308.

 f. Sealer shall be resistant to dirt pick-up, oil staining, spray paint and marker stain penetration.

 g. Sealer shall maintain positive moisture vapor transmission rates, in compliance with the standards of OHD L35.

 Acceptable products which shall be assumed to meet the above criteria include:

 a. SYSTEM 90-W, as manufactured by Edison Coatings, Inc., Plainville, CT (800)697-8055.

 b. Approved equal.

Materials which do not have all the above characteristics shall not be approved as equal.

4. Application:

Surface Preparation: Perform all repairs, repointing, recaulking and cleaning prior to sealer application. Preparation shall include all necessary operations as required to provide a clean, sound, dust-free surface, including removal of all grease, oil, dirt, stains, unsound materials, previous coatings or other materials which may interfere with product adhesion or reaction.

Application: Surface should be dry or slightly damp prior to application. Thoroughly mix the pre-measured A and B components using a slow speed drill mixer (250-450 rpm) for 2 minutes, or mix by hand for 4 minutes. Use all mixed material within 48 hours, and discard any unused material which has been mixed for more than 48 hours. Perform a test application to an inconspicuous area prior to large scale application, to determine effective coverage rate and impact on surface appearance, if any.

Do not apply to surfaces or at air temperatures below 50F. Apply material evenly and moderately, saturating the surface but avoiding any extensive rundown of excess material. Work from the bottom up to avoid formation of drips and runs. Allow material to dry fully and then reapply in a lighter, but still saturating application. Coverage rate for the first coat shall be 200 square feet per gallon or as otherwise authorized by the manufacturer. Second coat coverage rate shall be 400 sq. ft. per gallon, or as otherwise directed by the manufacturer. Observe all manufacturer's safety, handling and installation guidelines.

Protect windows, vehicles, shrubbery and other property from drips, runs or overspray. Clean up all spills, runs or overspray immediately using water and mild soap.

Go to SYSTEM 90-Series Product Page

 3 Northwest Drive, Plainville, CT 06062 USA

Phone: (860) 747-2220 or (800) 341-6621

FAX: (860) 747-2280 or (866) 658-1189

E-Mail: Contact Us


Last Updated:

Monday, January 13, 2025

Society for the Preservation of Historic Cements, Inc.


Edison Coatings, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained herein. This publication is offered on a complimentary basis as a service to potential customers or specifiers. While every effort has been made to include complete and accurate information, based on data and information believed to be reliable, it is the sole responsibility of the user to determine its suitability for his own intended use and purposes. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a warranty or guarantee of any product, process or any other recommendation stated herein. Edison Coatings, Inc. assumes no responsibility for advice given, results obtained, or for any damages whether incidental or consequential, which may be incurred as a direct or indirect result of the use of this information. By proceeding to use this information, user acknowledges and agrees that he is doing so at his own risk, and user indemnifies and holds Edison Coatings harmless against any liabilities, costs or expenses resulting therefrom. All product sales are further governed by the Edison Coatings, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Privacy Policy.

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